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Adding Custom Buttons


How do you add buttons and assign functionality to them? For example, adding a button that removes the curly quotes from Word and replaces them with quot tags? 


You may want to have a look at the Telerik documentation concerning this:

switch to the “index” tab and look for Adding Buttons.

In your particular case the actions should be as below:

  1. The buttons for the editor is located here:
    /Sitecore/System/Settings/Html Editor Profiles/Rich Text Default/Toolbar X.
    Copy an existing button and rename it to whatever you like. In this instance we'll call the button MyPaste. In the Click field you can enter a string that will be fired when the button is clicked. You can catch this message when it is fired. We'll enter "MyPaste".
  2. We need to catch the message. This is done in the javascript file: sitecore/shell/Controls/Rich Text Editor/RichText Commands.js. Add the following lines to the file:
RadEditorCommandList["MyPaste"] = function(commandName, editor, tool) {
  /* Fire InsertSitecoreLink events */
   var text = editor.GetHtml(true); //get the HTML content
   // Replace the "curly quotes" with straight quotation marks
   // and leave the contents of the quote (stored in $1) unchanged.
   var quote = /`([^`]*)`/g;
   text=text.replace(quote, "\"$1\"");
   //Clear old HTML
  //Paste new HTML