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Valid for Sitecore 6.5-7.0
Release Notes

The latest release information about the E-mail Campaign Manager module.

Some of the issues described on this page contain internal reference numbers. You can use these reference numbers when communicating with Sitecore about a particular issue or feature.

1.  Release History

February 19, 2013

The E-mail Campaign Manager 1.3.3 rev.130212 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.6 Update-3.


This version of the module runs on Sitecore CMS 6.6 Update-2 and up to CMS 7.0 Update-2.

Change log

Issues resolved

Performance and Dispatch issues:

Issues related to the database:

Issue related to external links in messages:

October 25, 2012

The E-mail Campaign Manager 1.3.3 rev.121017 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.5 Update-6.


This version of the module runs on Sitecore CMS 6.5 Update-6, CMS 6.6 Update-2 and up to CMS 7.0 Update-2.

Change log

New Features

Important Changes

Issues resolved:

Performance and Dispatch issues:

Issues related to the Sitecore App Center :

Other resolved issues:

May 3, 2012

The E-mail Campaign Manager v1.3.2 rev.120424 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.5.0 rev.111230 (Update-3) and CMS 6.5.0 rev.120420 (Update-4).

Due to the performance issue resolved in this update we highly recommend that customers who use Email Campaign Manager 1.3.2  install this update.

This version of the module runs on Sitecore CMS 6.5 Update-3 or later, CMS 6.6 Update-2 and up to CMS 6.6 Update-6.

Change log.

Issues resolved:

March 19, 2012

The E-mail Campaign Manager v1.3.2 rev.120307 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.5.0 rev.111230 (Update-3).

This version of the module runs on Sitecore CMS 6.5 Update-3 or later, CMS 6.6 Update-2 and up to CMS 6.6 Update-6.

Change log.

New features:

Issues resolved:

December 20, 2011

The E-mail Campaign Manager v1.3.1 rev.111202 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.5.0 rev.110818 (Update-1) and 6.5.0 rev.111123 (Update-2).

This version of the module runs on Sitecore CMS 6.5 (except for CMS 6.5 Update-6), CMS 6.6 Update-2 and up to CMS 6.6 Update-6.

Change log.

New features:

Important changes:

Issues resolved:

July 8, 2011

The E-mail Campaign Manager v1.3.0 rev.110707 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.5.0 rev.110602.

This version of the module runs on Sitecore CMS 6.5 (except for CMS 6.5 Update-6), CMS 6.6 Update-2 and up to CMS 6.6 Update-6.

Change log.

New features:

Integration with CMS 6.5 and DMS 2.0

Email Delivery

Performance and Optimization

Other new features

Important changes:

Issues fixed:

Performance and Dispatch issues

Message  configuration issues

Reporting & logging issues

Other issues

2.  Known issues

This page contains the known issues that were found in ECM 1.3. The lowermost section contains the issues that are valid for all ECM 1.3 updates and other sections contain issues that are valid only for specific ECM updates.

The list of known issues that are present only in ECM 1.3.3.

  1. Dispatches will be paused if two or more messages have been scheduled to be sent at the same time (373190).
    Note: Note: This known issue was fixed in CMS 6.6 Update-4.
    When the dispatch of two or more messages has been scheduled for exactly the same time (in minutes), then some of the dispatches will be paused.
  2. On CMS 6.5 Update–5 sent message won’t be moved to the “Clicked Through Message” state of Engagement Plan (372644).
    Contact the Customer Service and request hotfix 372193. 
  3. First sent message with external links won’t be moved to the "Click Through Message" state of Engagement Plan. (375121)
    1) Create any test message under some Target Audience and send it to an appropriate test user. (The case is that there must be at least one Engagement Plan item under /sitecore/system/Marketing Center/Engagement Plans/Email Campaign/Emails folder).
    2) Publish the /sitecore/system/Marketing Center/Engagement Plans/Email Campaign/Emails folder or perform a smart publish for the whole site.
    3) External links in all future messages will function correctly.
  4. On Sitecore CMS 6.6 Update–2, when a recipient clicks an internal link in the received mail, a superfluous empty row is inserted into the Pages table of the Analytics database (376951).
    This issue has been resolved in Sitecore CMS 6.6 Update-3.
    Contact the Customer Service and request hotfix 376951.  

The list of known issues that are present only in ECM 1.3.2.

  1. Horizontal and vertical scrolls  bars are displayed on target audience's icons that has long word in German translation. (362441)

The list of known issues that are present only in ECM 1.3.1.

  1. Subscription confirmation/notification messages are not sent in Live mode (358144)
    Note: This known issue was fixed in ECM 1.3.2 rev.120307.
    Download the file with the updated pages.
    1. Replace the /sitecore/ConfirmSubscription.html and /sitecore/Unsubscribe.html files with the files that you download (item filtering is disabled for ClientApi calls).
    2. Modify and build the Subscription Form code file (see an example in the Subscription Form.ascx.cs file that you download):
       a. Add the UpdateSubscriptions() method (see its implementation in the Subscription Form.ascx.cs file that you download).
       b. Replace the following line:
       string itemIDToRedirect = ClientApi.UpdateSubscriptions(ContextContact.Name, infoArray, confirmSubscription);
       with the line
       string itemIDToRedirect = this.UpdateSubscriptions(infoArray);

The list of known issues that are present in all ECM 1.3 updates (including the initial release).

  1. Some of items in Core database do not have Japanese versions after upgrading the module with the help of the update package. (357403) 
  2. Message subject testing cannot be performed on the “HTML” and “Plain Text” email campaign message types.
  3. Redirect links from the received message doesn't work if "http://" prefix is not part of the URL field. (362595)
  4. Problem with 'ChilkatDotNet2' assembly on 32 bit PC. (331674)
    Description: The exception appears during teamwork, when one member installs ECM, commits the changes to SVN, and another member tries to launch the solution after updating the local copy.
    Workaround: Change the ChilkatDotNet2.dll (in the website/bin folder) with an appropriate one in accordance with configuration of the application pool. In case you use “Enable 32-bit Applications” = “true” in the app pool configuration, use 32 bit version of ChilkatDotNet2.dll (you can find it in Bin_x86 folder).