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Release Notes

The latest release information about the SharePoint Integration Framework.

1.  Release History

December 14, 2011

SharePoint Integration Framework 1.0.0 rev.111115 is released.
Issues Resolved

August 10, 2011

SharePoint Integration Framework 1.0.0 rev.110711 is released.

This version runs on Sitecore CMS 6.3-6.5 and on SIP 3.2.

2.  Known issues

The known issues present in the SharePoint Integration Framework.

Page Level Integration

  1. Page with SharePoint controls may not work correctly in Preview Mode (345319).
  2. Page Editor functionality may not work on the page with SharePoint controls (346150).
  3. Simple upload dialog cannot be used to upload files under Integration Configuration Item (345461). Workaround: use Upload Files (Advanced).
  4. Search on SharePoint Foundation always performs through the whole site (345735).
  5. Restricted web may appear in the list of sites to search (346384).

Item Level Integration

  1. Fields types of Integration Items are not defined automatically during creating Integration Configuration Item (345446).
  2. Adding items and folders to Integration Configuration Item is supported only for SharePoint Libraries (343630).
  3. SharePoint Integration Wizard shows reserved characters in field names using XML encoding (343106).
  4. SharePoint Integration Wizard shows Field names instead of Display names (343200).
  5. Not all fields may be updated in SharePoint from Sitecore (e.g. Assigned To, Attachments, Created by etc.) (345591).
  6. In Sitecore, you cannot change a value of the SharePoint multiple-choice field (Managed metadata, Choice and so on). (358984).