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Adding Translations

Translations are used to translate content between SharePoint and Sitecore. You can create your own translations under /Sitecore/system/modules/sharepoint/translations. You need to implement the Sitecore.Modules.SharePoint.Translations.ITranslation interface. The class displayed below is an example from the SharePoint module core. To use a custom translation, you should select one of the existing list connections, then select a field mapping and specify an alternative translation.

1.  Code Sample

using System;

namespace Sitecore.Modules.SharePoint.Translations {
/// <summary>
/// Translates SharePoint dateformat to Sitecore dateformat
/// </summary>
    public class DateTime : ITranslation {
public DateTime() {}

public string TranslateFromSharePoint(string valueToTransform) {
string result = System.String.Empty;

try {
= Sitecore.DateUtil.ToIsoDate(System.DateTime.Parse(valueToTransform));
catch (Exception ex) {
"Could not translate the value \"{0}\" to IsoDate format", valueToTransform), ex, Logging.Category.Warning, "sharepoint.999");

return result;

public string TranslateFromSitecore(string valueToTransform) {
string result = System.String.Empty;

try {
= Sitecore.DateUtil.IsoDateToNormal(valueToTransform).ToString();
catch (Exception ex) {
"Could not translate the value \"{0}\" from IsoDate format", valueToTransform), ex, Logging.Category.Warning, "sharepoint.999");

return result;