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  Provide Database Access Details
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Sitecore requires a Server username and password to use when accessing the Sitecore databases.  You specify this information in the web.config file, found in the Sitecore web root.  Edit the web.config file in a text editor and locate the following section:


Make the following changes:

Firebird Database:

Firebird connection strings have the form:  

  <archive>Database=/data/scArchive.fdb;User=SYSDBA; Password=masterkey; ... </archive> 
  <core>Database=/data/scCore.fdb;User=SYSDBA; Password=masterkey; ... </core> 


You need to change the User and Password values manually.

SQL Database:

  <connections serverName="server" user="user" password="password">

Perform the following steps:

  1. Change the serverName from “server” to “(local)”.
  2. Change the user from “user” to a valid username for your database, for example “sa”.
  3. Change the password from “password” to the appropriate password.
  4. Save and exit the web.config file.

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