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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  web.config Changes

This section describes the web.config file changes between Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 releases.

1.  web.config Changes in rev. 071114 Compared to rev. 070924

Select the link below to download the Web.config file of the default Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev. 071114 installation:

Below is the list of changes made to the web.config file of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.071114 compared to the one of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070924. 


  1. Modified: the default value of the Media.MaxSizeInDatabase setting has been changed to 15MB:
    <setting name="Media.MaxSizeInDatabase" value="15MB" />
    Path: /configuration/Sitecore/settings
  2. Modified: the default value of the EnableXslScripts setting has been changed to false:
    <setting name="EnableXslScripts" value="false" />
    Path: /configuration/Sitecore/settings

2.  web.config Changes in rev. 070924 Compared to rev. 070828

There are no changes made to the web.config file of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070924 compared to the one of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070828. 

3.  web.config Changes in rev. 070828 Compared to rev. 070727

Select the link below to download web.config file of the default Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev. 070828 installation:

Below is the list of changes made to the web.config file of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070828 compared to the one of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070727. 

  1. Changed: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.FilterUrlExtensions parameters have been changed:
    <processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.FilterUrlExtensions, Sitecore.Kernel">
    <param desc="Allowed extensions (comma separated)">aspx</param>
    <param desc="Blocked extensions (comma separated)">*</param>
    <param desc="Blocked extensions that stream files (comma separated)">
    <param desc="Blocked extensions that do not stream files (comma separated)">*</param>
    Path: /configuration/Sitecore/pipelines/httpRequestBegin
  2. Added: Indexing.ServerSpecificProperties setting has been added:
    <setting name="Indexing.ServerSpecificProperties" value="false" />
    Path: /configuration/Sitecore/settings
    Description: Indicates if server specific keys should be used for property values (such as 'last updated').
  3. Removed: the following setting has been removed:
    <setting name="Media.SecureFolder" value="/secure" />
    Path: /configuration/Sitecore/settings
    Description: Specifies the path to a folder in the Media Library for which media will always be checked for security. Media in other folders may be served from a special cache that does not check security on the media items.  To secure all media, use the value "/": <setting name="Media.SecureFolder" value="/"/>. To secure no media, use the value "":  <setting name="Media.SecureFolder" value=""/>.

4.  web.config Changes in rev. 070727 Compared to rev. 070628

Select the link below to download web.config file of the default Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev. 070727 installation:

Below is the list of changes made to the web.config file of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070727 compared to the one of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070628. 

  1. Added: the ContentEditor.ClassicFrameEventPropagation setting has been added:
    <setting name="ContentEditor.ClassicFrameEventPropagation" value="false" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: Indicates whether the Content Editor uses classic frame event propagation. In classic propagation all item events are sent to all frames in the content editor. This may hurt server and client performance. If classic mode is not used, only events relating to items that are either selected in the content editor or subitems thereof are propagated.
  2. Modified: the default value of the Media.UseItemPaths setting is changed to true.
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: This setting controls if item paths are used for constructing media URLs. 

5.  web.config Changes in rev. 070628 Compared to rev. 070515

Select the link below to download web.config file of the default Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev. 070628 installation:

Below is the list of changes made to the web.config file of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070628 compared to the one of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070515.

  1. Added: the following attribute is added to the login site definition:
    Usage example: <site name="login" virtualFolder="/sitecore/login" physicalFolder="/sitecore/login" database="core" disableXmlControls="true" domain="sitecore" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/sites
    Description: If set to true, loading Xml Controls as pages will be disabled.
  2. Modified: The Counters.Enabled setting value is changed to false:
    <setting name="Counters.Enabled" value="false" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: Indicates if performance counters are enabled.
  3. Added: the following setting is added:
    <setting name="HtmlEditor.SupportWebControls" value="true" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: Indicates if the Html Editor supports web controls. If true, Web Controls are shown as yellow boxes.

6.  web.config Changes in rev. 070515 Compared to rev. 070417

Select the link below to download web.config file of the default Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev. 070515 installation:

Below is the list of changes made to the web.config file of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070515 compared to the one of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070417.

  1. Added: the following attribute is added to <events >…</events> section:
    The changed events section looks like this: <events timingLevel="value">
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/events
    Description: see inline comments in web.config file for details.
  2. Removed: the <fastCaches> section is removed:
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/mediaLibrary
  3. Removed: the following setting is removed:
    <setting name="Caching.FastMediaCacheMapSize" value="200KB" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
  4. Modified: the Media.FileFolder setting should be used instead of Media.BaseFolder setting.
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: the folder under which media files are stored by the system.
  5. Removed: the following setting is removed
    <setting name="Media.FastCacheEnabled" value="true" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: indicates if 'fast' caching of media files is enabled.
  6. Removed: the following setting is removed
    <setting name="Media.FastCacheFolder" value="$(tempFolder)/mediaCache/fast" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: the path to the folder used for storing media for the 'fast' cache.
  7. Added: the following setting is added:
     <setting name="Media.FileFolder" value="/App_Data/MediaFiles" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: the folder under which media files are stored by the system.
  8. Added: the following setting is added:
    <setting name="Publishing.PublishEmptyItems" value="true" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: Determines if empty items (i.e. items without publishable versions) should be published.

7.  web.config Changes in rev. 070417 Compared to rev. 070328

Select the link below to download web.config file of the default Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev. 070417 installation:

Below is the list of changes made to the web.config file of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070417 compared to the one of Sitecore CMS V5.3.1 rev.070328.

  1. Removed: the following processor is commented out:
    <processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.SaveFormAction, Sitecore.Kernel"/>
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/pipelines/httpRequestBegin
  2. Added: the following URL is added to IgnoreUrlPrefixes:
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Sample value: <setting name="IgnoreUrlPrefixes" value="/sitecore/default.html|/sitecore/rest.html|/trace.axd|/webresource.axd|/sitecore/admin/upgrade/|/layouts/testing" />
  3. Added: the following setting is added:
    <setting name="Rendering.ImagesAsXhtml" value="true" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: Indicate whether to render images as XHTML. Default value: true.
  4. Added: the following setting is added:
    <setting name="Rendering.ProcessDuplicatePlaceholders" value="false" />
    Path: /configuration/sitecore/settings
    Description: Indicate whether to process duplicate placeholders. Default value: false.