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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  World Lingo Support

Sitecore supports tranlsation of text between languages with the use of the internet based software provided by World Lingo. This service is a useful tool when translating your sites from one language to another.

1.  Setup

World Lingo support is relatively easy to set up on a site as it is an existing feature of Sitecore but is, by default, disabled. To enable World Lingo support you need to make some changes to web.config

In the settings section of web.config change the value flag of the WorldLingo.Enabled setting to true

<setting name="WorldLingo.Enabled" value="true" />

Note: that by default the service is running in evaluation mode in which the output language is random and you are limited to 25 words.

In order to use the service, an account should be created with World Lingo and the password should be changed to the password of the account you created with World Lingo:

<setting name="WorldLingo.Password" value="secret" />

Also you will need to enable a second language in your web site before you can use World Lingo

Please read the following article to learn more about language support within Sitecore.

Working with Languages - Basic Concepts

2.  User Guide

How to use the translation feature:

You will see the Translate button below each field.

/upload/sdn5/end user/control panel/globalization/translate.jpg

2.1.  Supported Languages

World Lingo currently supports the following languages

Language Code
German de
English en
spanish es
French fr
Italian it
Japanese ja
Portuguese pt
Russian ru
Chinese (Simplified) sz_CN
Chinese (Traditional) sz_TW
Korean ko
Greek el
Dutch nl
Arabic ar
Swedish sv

2.2.  Supported Encodings

The parameters wl_srcenc or wl_trgenc determine what the encoding (input or output) of the given text is. If the parameter is not given as part of the request it is assumed by using a default value of UTF-8.

 Language  Codepage  Encoding  Charset
 de  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-1
 en  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-1
 es  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-1
 fr  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-1
 it  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-1
 pt  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-1
 ru  65001  UTF-8  KOI8-R
 ja  65001  UTF-8  Shift_JIS
 zh_CN  65001  UTF-8  GB2312
 zh_TW  65001  UTF-8  Big5
 ko  65001  UTF-8  EUC-KR
 el  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-7
 nl  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-1
 ar  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-6
 sv  65001  UTF-8  iso-8859-1

For more information on character sets and encoding see the following link
