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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  Copying Items
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Sitecore offers several ways of copying an item.

Via the Copy To Command

The 'Copy To' command also allows you to copy the item to another database. Click the little triangle to the right of the Copy To button to display the Transfer to Other Database command (see the screenshot below). 

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/manipulating3.png

When clicked, the Transfer to Other Database button will start the Transfer item wizard shown in the screenshot below. Follow the wizard to successfully complete the transfer process.  

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/manipulating4.png

Via the Clipboard

The item will be pasted to the location you specified.

Via the Right-Click Menu

You may access the Copy and Paste clipboard commands via the menu available upon right clicking the item. 

You may also select Copying » Copy To in this menu (see the screenshot below).

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/manipulating9.png

This will open the Copy Item To dialog. In the dialog, select the location where you want to copy the item and click the Copy button (see the screenshot below).

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/manipulating10.png

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