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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  Assigning Rights
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You can easily assign rights in the Security Editor. All you need to do is select a Role or a User and set the rights. You can read about Rights and assigning access in the Understanding Rights and Assigning Access section. To grant rights to a Role or a User via the Security Editor, follow the steps below:

  1. Select a Role or a User in the Users chunk.
    This will open a tree with the hierarchy of Roles and Users.

    /upload/sdn5/end user/administration/security/security_editor15.png
  2. The Security Editor displays the explicitly set rights for the selected User or Role.  

    /upload/sdn5/end user/administration/security/security_editor16_2.jpg
    The explicitly set rights settings are colored: 'Green' indicates that the access is granted, 'Red' marks that the access is denied, while the gray/colorless rights are inherited.
  3. Open the content tree and locate the Item for which rights are to be changed.
    TIP: Double clicking a right opens or folds the entire substructure for the corresponding Item.
  4. Set the rights for that particular item by clicking on the little arrow  to the right, which will open a selection list: 

    /upload/sdn5/end user/administration/security/security_editor17.png
    An alternative way is to click on the name of the right itself. The Repeated click will cycle through the three options (Inherited » Allowed » Denied): 

    TIP: As unfolding the structure tree may result in many rows, the proper row to the Item can be identified by hovering the mouse over a right. This will display the corresponding Item name.

    /upload/sdn5/end user/administration/security/security_editor19.png    
    In the illustration above, the two rows belong to the Masters Item and the Media Library Item.    
    Note: If the rights for the Item(s) are set, you are not required to hit the Save button. Any changes made in the Security Editor are saved immediately without involving the User.
  5. If you need to set rights for other Users, repeat steps 1-5; otherwise, close the Security Editor.

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