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Valid for Sitecore 5.3

The Proxy Wizard provides an easy way to create proxy items. It is possible to create both the proxy items in one database and the cross-database proxy items.

1.  Installation

Follow the steps below to install the Proxy Wizard module:

  1. Install as a regular Sitecore package.
  2. Make the following changes to the web.config file:
  1. Make the following change to the commands.config file:


      <command name="item:advancedProxy" type="ProxyWizard.advancedProxy,ProxyWizard" />

      <command name="item:typicalProxy" type="ProxyWizard.typicalProxy,ProxyWizard" />


2.  User Manual

The Proxy Wizard is integrated into the Configure tab of the Content Editor ribbon:

/upload/sdn5/shared library/modules/proxy wizard/proxy5.png

Creating Proxy Items

To create a proxy item, navigate to the item which should be the source item using the Content Editor and select the Proxy button. Fill the fields of the prompt window which will appear and click Next.

/upload/sdn5/shared library/modules/proxy wizard/proxy6.png

A virtual item will appear under the target item and a new proxy will be created under /system/Proxies/.

Creating Cross Database Proxy Items

To create a cross-database proxy item, call the Proxy Wizard submenu by selecting the small triangle near the Proxy button and click Cross Database Proxy.

/upload/sdn5/shared library/modules/proxy wizard/proxy7.png

Configure the source item. This dialog allows to specify the source database (the target item will always be created in the master database). Click Next when done:

/upload/sdn5/shared library/modules/proxy wizard/proxy8.png

Configure the target item and click Next to create the proxy item.

/upload/sdn5/shared library/modules/proxy wizard/proxy9.png