Installing Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1

Install Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 software components on your system.

Complete the following prerequisites:

As a part of the install process, the system launches the Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Configuration Wizard to configure Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 components and create the appropriate database resources. Specify the user account that runs Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 services, the location of the Administration database, and the service accounts for Staging.

Note: To simplify the installation process, the installer supports only a default file path.
  1. Log on to the server with the user account you created in Create a User Account for Commerce Server. You must be logged in to the machine under the account you created for Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1services. Configuration will fail if you are logged in as another user, even one with administrative privileges.
  2. Run the installer as an administrator.
    1. Right click the Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 installer file, and select Run as administrator from the dropdown menu.
    2. Start the Installation Wizard.
      Click Install.
      The installer will display progress on tasks on the Install GUI.
    The installer launches the Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Configuration Wizard after the install is completed.
    Attention: Do not Cancel the Configuration wizard. You must complete the install by configuring the Administration Database and Staging Service.

At the Configuration Wizard:

  1. Optional- Configure the Administration Database using an existing configuration file
    1. Click Load.
    2. Browse to the configuration file you wish to use and click Open.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Continue to Configure the Staging Service .
  2. Configure the Administration Database.
    1. Change the default Administration Database Settings, if desired, by editing the values in the SQL Server and Database Name dialog boxes.
    2. Enable an authentication method by selecting the corresponding radio button. Click the Windows Authentication radio button, or the SQL Server Authentication button. If you choose SQL Server Authentication, enter the Login Name and Password for the SQL Server in the corresponding dialog boxes.
    3. Test the Administration Database connection. Click Test. The system will respond with a status message. Click OK to acknowledge and correct the configuration settings, if required.
    4. Click Next.
  3. Configure the Staging Service.
    1. Optional: Create an IIS Virtual Root for Staging. Check the check box under Staging Reports.
    2. Configure a Staging Service Account. Accept the default name provided in the Login Name dialog box, or click the Browse button to access the Active Directory Service for an alternate. Enter a password for the user in the Password dialog box.
    3. Click Next.
      The system displays a warning that the account you have specified has administrative privileges.
    4. Click Yes.
      The system displays the Configuration Summary.
    5. Optional: Create a configuration file for later use. Click Save, enter a name in the File name dialog box and click Save.
  4. Click Next. Optional: View the log file. Click the Here hyperlink on the form.
    The system displays a progress bar as it applies the configuration data, and a success message.
  5. Click Finish.
    The system closes the installer.