Add Media to a Commerce Content Item from the Sitecore Media Library

Add media to a Commerce Content Item from the integrated Sitecore Media Library.

At the Details page for your Commerce Content Item.

  1. Open the Select Media tool.
    Click the + button in the Media Control.
    Remember: Information about the Details tab is available from Help. Click the Help icon in the header bar for information on the fields.
  2. Select a source from the Media menu control.
    Click one of the following:
    • All Image Files
    • All Video Files
    • My Images
    • Recently Uploaded Images
    • Recently Uploaded Videos
    • Recently uploaded by me
    The system displays media assets in the content area.
  3. Optional: Filter the media assets displayed in the content area. Click the Filter control.
    You can change the results with the Filter control if you desire. Use the filter criteria to select properties for the search results displayed in the content area.
    The system immediately refreshes the content area as properties are selected.
  4. Select a media asset.
    Click on the media asset.
    The system displays properties for the file.
  5. Commit the selection to the product details page.
    Click the Select Media button.
    The system displays the details page with your media in the media control.