Update Cart Lines

Developer tasks for using service method UpdateCartLines.

UpdateCartLines is used when:

At your visual studio solution setup:

  1. Reference the Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer and Sitecore.Commerce.dll.
  2. Pick the class in your solution where want to use this service method.
  3. Paste in the code below to use the service method.
    CartServiceProvider provider = new CartServiceProvider(); 
    // You should get a real user id.
    string userId =Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B");
    var loadRequest = new LoadCartByNameRequest("Website", "MyBasket", userId); 
    var loadResult = provider.LoadCart(loadRequest);
    CommerceCart cart = loadResult.Cart as CommerceCart; 
    CommerceCartLine cartline = cart.Lines.ElementAt(0) as CommerceCartLine;
    cartline.Quantity = 4; 
    var updateRequest = new UpdateCartLinesRequest(cart, new List<CartLine> { cartline }); 
    // Only required if you must specify the order form name to use. If not specified the
    // first order form is used.
    var info = new CartRequestInformation(updateRequest, "default"); 
    var updateResult = provider.UpdateCartLines(updateRequest);