Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard overview
An overview of managing your Sitecore deployment through the Microsoft Azure portal.
Sitecore uses Microsoft Azure® for all of its hosting requirements. You can manage all of the Microsoft Azure resources for your Sitecore deployment through the Microsoft Azure portal.
When you sign up for Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard, you must provide the email address of the person who will administer your Sitecore deployment in Microsoft Azure. Their email address must be associated with an existing Microsoft Azure account. If they do not already have an existing Microsoft Azure account linked to that email address, then you can create one through the Microsoft Azure portal. The person associated with this account will be given the Contributor role on the Azure resource group that contains the Sitecore deployment. With the Contributor role, you can create, delete, and manage all of your Microsoft Azure resources.
Only the Sitecore Cloud Services team can delete the resource group that contains the Sitecore deployment as well as add additional team members and their associated rights to the resource group.
After the Sitecore Cloud Services team has provisioned your Sitecore deployment, you are responsible for managing and maintaining it. Sitecore recommends that you:
Consider the costs – the Contributor role allows you to create new Microsoft Azure resources of any kind. Important, if you start creating resources that you did not originally plan for as part of your initial Managed Cloud Standard sign up, then you must sign up for increased Microsoft Azure hosting and the associated Sitecore support costs.
You must have a backup plan – the Contributor role means that you have the authority to delete any Microsoft Azure resource associated with your Sitecore deployment. Before deleting a resource, always ask yourself if you really need to delete it, and if so then ensure you have a plan for how to restore it if you need to.
Sitecore cannot restore individual resources, it can only provision a brand new deployment. Also important to know is that although you can create any Microsoft Azure resources in the resource group, the Sitecore Cloud Services team only provides monitoring and support for resources that have been created by Sitecore.
There are some tasks related to your Sitecore deployment that only the Sitecore Cloud Services team can carry out. The Sitecore Knowledge Base contains a full list of the Sitecore Managed Cloud services that the team provides, as well as their contact details.
As part of your Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard package, you also have access to Sitecore Support for requests and questions regarding your deployment. The Sitecore Knowledge Base also contains information about the Managed Cloud Standard service, including:
For a scalable and robust Cloud solution, learn how to deploy, manage, and maintain Sitecore on Microsoft Azure with the Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard service.