The dual purposes of the Abandoned Cart engagement plan


Commerce Connect uses the Abandoned Cart engagement plan to track abandoned shopping carts and store a copy of them.

The default configuration of Commerce Connect uses the Abandoned Cart engagement plan to:

  • Track a visitor and follow up when they leave the shop prematurely and abandon their shopping cart.

  • Store a copy of the shopping cart.

    A copy of the cart is stored so that the cart is immediately available when the Sitecore Experience engine recognizes a visitor. Some external systems only support part of the shopping cart functionality and data. In these cases, the entire cart is stored in the engagement plan state.

This topic outlines how to:

If you do not want to use the Abandoned Cart engagement plan, you can disable it by commenting out the following processors in the /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Commerce.Carts.config file:

  • The MoveVisitorToInitialState processor in the ResumeCart pipeline.

  • The UpdateVisitorInEAPlan processor in the following pipelines:

    • createCart

    • addCartLines

    • removeCartLines

    • updateCartLines

    • updateCart

    • addParties

    • removeParties

    • updateParties

    • addShippingInfo

    • removeShippingInfo

    • addPaymentInfo

    • removePaymentInfo

If you do not want to save a cart to an engagement plan state, you can disable this functionality by commenting out the following processors from the pipelines in the /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Commerce.Carts.config file:

  • The BuildQuery and ExecuteQuery processors in the getCarts pipeline.

  • The SaveCartToEaState processor in the SaveCart pipeline.

  • The FindCartInEaState processor in the CreateOrResumeCart pipeline.

  • The LoadCartFromEaState processor in the LoadCart pipeline.

  • The DeleteCartFromEaState processor in the DeleteCart pipeline.

  • The CheckCanBeResumed processor in the ResumeCart pipeline.