Configure AD for deployment on the Azure App Service


Install the AD module with Sitecore

You can install the Active Directory (AD) module as part of the Sitecore installation on the Azure App Service for Sitecore 8.2.3, AD 1.3.0, and SAT 1.1 and later. The AD module installation is fully integrated and it supports Sitecore XP0, XP, and XM.

Follow these steps to prepare to deploy AD:

  1. Download the Package for XM/XP configurations Web Deploy Packages (WDPs) for AD.

  2. After preparing the WDPs, upload the WDPs to an Azure storage account.

  3. Locate the AD template for your topology on Github.

To inject the AD module into the Sitecore .parameters.json file for your topology:

  1. Make sure that you have a .parameters.json file for your Sitecore environment.

  2. Add the modules parameter to the .parameters.json file and configure the Bootloader module with your Sitecore deployment.

  3. Insert the configuration snippet for the AD module in the modules parameter in this file as described below for various Sitecore environments.

  4. Run your Sitecore deployment as usual.

The steps to integrate into the Sitecore environment are the same for the XP0, XP, and XM environments. In the first step, specify the URL of the AD azuredeploy.json topology you use.

To integrate an AD deployment into a Sitecore environment deployment:

  1. Add the following snippet to the modules parameter in the .parameters.json file:

    {… ,"modules": {"value": {"items": [
    … ,
    "name" : "active-directory",
    "templateLink" : "<url of AD azuredeploy.json for topology>",
    "parameters" : {
    "adMsDeployPackageUrl" : "<url of the WDP package>"
  2. Populate the parameters for the AD module:

    • For templateLink, go to Github and use the URL of the AD template for your selected topology or for your Azure storage account.

    • For adMsDeployPackageUrl, go to the Sitecore Developer Portal and download the latest version of the package for Active Directory 1.3.0 (Package for XM/XP configurations). Use the URL of the WDP package for AD for XP0 topology.