Experience Profile Commerce tab - the underlying technology
Understand the technology behind the information on the Commerce tab in Experience Profile.
The Experience Profile reports are not available in Commerce Connect 9.0 and 9.0.1.
The reports that are displayed on the XProfile Commerce tab come with Sitecore Commerce Connect. For more information about installing the Commerce Connect package, see http://dev.sitecore.net.
The reports support the full Sitecore topology in scaled environments, such as cloud deployments, with separate CD, CM, processing, and reporting server roles where xDB queries are performed by the Reporting Service server role. For standalone deployments, everything is included in the core Commerce Connect package.
This topic describes some of the technology and concepts behind these reports:
The underlying data used for the reports comes from the page events, goals and outcomes that are triggered by Commerce Connect when a customer visits the storefront.
All the standard reports are independent of the external commerce system that is being used as they are based on and require that the standard Connect entities are present.
Commerce Connect comes with domain models for each of the service layers and for the Product Purchase and Abandoned Cart outcomes, the full order and cart domain objects are stored in their respective outcomes. Similar objects are persisted for goals and page events.
The following table contains an overview of the reports and where the underlying data comes from:
Report | Outcomes | Page events | Goals |
Overview | Abandoned Cart | Visitor Order Created | |
Orders | Product Purchase | ||
Orders/Order details | Product Purchase | ||
Products/Products viewed | Visited Product Details Page | ||
Products/Products added to cart | Lines Added To Cart | ||
Products/Products purchased | Visitor Order Created | ||
Missed sales opportunities | Visited Product Details Page, Lines Added To Cart | Visitor Order Created | |
Abandoned carts | Abandoned Cart | ||
Abandoned carts/Cart details | Abandoned Cart | ||
Shopping cart activity/Cart lines removed | Lines Removed From Cart | ||
Shopping cart activity/Cart lines added | Lines Added To Cart | ||
Shopping cart activity/Cart lines updated | Lines Updated On Cart |
In Commerce Connect 9.0.2, the Abandoned Cart marketing campaign does not trigger the Abandoned Carts outcome. Therefore the Abandoned Carts report does not show any data.
The Product Purchase outcome is part of the Experience Platform while the Abandoned Cart outcome is defined in Sitecore Commerce Connect. The monetary value associated with all outcomes contains a negative value equal to the cart total for abandoned carts to indicate the missed sales opportunity.
Abandoned Cart outcomes are triggered by the Abandoned Carts engagement plan and the Trigger Abandoned Cart Outcome action by default. The Abandoned Carts engagement plan comes with Commerce Connect:
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Commerce 8.1 introduced AnalyticsData entities for every page event, goal and outcome that is triggered. This encapsulates the analytics data and makes an abstraction that is persisted and defines how to persist and retrieve the data. The AnalyticsData entities are used on both the tracking side, for examples, in the Connect API and on the reporting side.
You can create custom reports and modify the existing reports by adding custom data that is only available in customized versions of the Connect domain model objects that are used in the individual connectors for the specific external commerce systems. Only the standard Connect entities are tracked and persisted in xDB by default, but both standard and custom entities/objects can be persisted in xDB for extensibility purposes. If your solution is integrated with a commerce system like Experience Commerce 9 where extended domain models are in use, the objects are mapped back to the standard Connect entities and thereby stripped of all the custom values including properties.
Before you can de-serialize an object, the object type must be registered in xDB. This can be a limitation because the Reporting Service server role cannot by default be updated with custom types in certain scenarios. For instance, on Azure, the ARM templates would have to be extended with additional custom WDPs that contain definitions of the custom object types.
The /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Commerce.config
configuration file contains the following setting:
<setting name="Commerce.Analytics.EntitiesIncludedInXDB" value="Base"/>
This setting determines if the standard Connect objects, custom objects, or both standard and custom objects are persisted in xDB.
The setting takes three values:
The default value
The standard reports require that the standard Connect entities are present for the values Base or Both to work. Setting this value to Both requires more storage space in xDB.
The Commerce Experience Profile reports passes monetary values through a currency converter before it displays these values. The currency converter is responsible for converting the monetary values into the correct currency for the report. If your commerce site uses multiple currencies, you must implement a currency converter because the default version just returns the original value. If you do not do this, the reports will not be correct.
In a distributed environment, the code and configuration will be on the content management (CM) server and the converter is called before the reporting values are returned to the UI.
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Method parameter | Description |
amount | Amount to be converted. |
amountCurrency | Currency of the current transaction. |
requiredCurrency | Currency to convert to. |
To create a new currency converter, simply create a class that derives from ICurrencyConverter
and implement the Convert
method and change the configuration. The following configuration is defined in the Sitecore.Commerce.ExperienceProfile.config
<settings> <setting name="Commerce.ExperienceProfile.ReportingCurrencyCode" value="USD"/> </settings>
That defines the reporting currency.
To identify the implementation of the currency converter that Sitecore calls before returning the monetary values the UI:
<commerce-experienceprofile> <currencyConverter type="Sitecore.Commerce.ExperienceProfile.Currency.DefaultCurrencyConverter, Sitecore.Commerce.ExperienceProfile" /> </commerce-experienceprofile>