Kick off or add a user
An administrator can force the logout of a user or increase the number of allowed users.
When you log into Sitecore, if the maximum number of allowed users has been reached, you can force the logout of a specific user. If you have an urgent need for additional users, it is possible to increase the number of users, subject to the payment and license terms described below. To do this you need to have administrator rights.
This topic outlines how to:
To force the logout of a user from Sitecore when you have reached the maximum number of allowed users:
On the page that opens when you log in and the maximum number of allowed users has been reached, click Kick off user.
On the page Select a user to force log out from Sitecore, in the table, click the user that you want to kick off from Sitecore and click Kick off user. The user is automatically logged out from Sitecore.
The Launchpad opens and you are logged in to Sitecore.
A user that is logged in two different browsers and therefore has two sessions will appear twice in this list.
When a user successfully logs in, a cookie (.ASPXAUTH) is set. As long as this cookie exists, the user remains logged in. The Authentication.ClientSessionTimeout setting in the Sitecore.config file (Web.config in Sitecore 8) specifies the timeout value of this cookie. The default setting is 60 minutes. You can change this value if you want user sessions to time out faster.
If your company has a valid and current Sitecore maintenance or subscription agreement, you can increase the number of licensed users (concurrent users), even if your license does not currently include these additional users. This feature is provided as a convenience to our customers in order to address urgent situations where there is insufficient time to discuss the purchase of additional users with Sitecore. Note that by using this feature, you agree to increase your total user count. Your Sitecore account manager will invoice you for the additional users using your current pricing for the remainder of your license term, and these users will be added to your license once Sitecore has received payment.
This feature is only available to customers with a currently paid-up Sitecore maintenance or subscription agreement. If you are using this feature without a fully paid-up agreement in effect at the time you use this feature, you agree to pay Sitecore an amount equal to a three year subscription at Sitecore’s then-current list price for all additional users added in excess of the users purchased under your expired agreement.
To increase the number of allowed users in your Sitecore installation:
On the page that opens when you log in and the maximum number of allowed users has been reached, click Add users.
On the Boost Sitecore page, read the licensing terms, enter the number of extra users that you want to have access to Sitecore, and click Boost.
Confirm your request and click Finish.
The Launchpad opens and you are logged in to Sitecore.