Rules and parameters for Device Detection


Use the Device Detection rules and parameters to fully customize your sites and best present them on different devices.

There are a number of rules and parameters that are currently available in the Rule Set Editor for Sitecore Device Detection. You can use these to further customize your Sitecore sites and optimize the presentation of your website on different devices for your visitors.

You can find the rules for Device Detection in the Device rule group in the Rule Set Editor. They are as follows:


The Device rule group (Rule group: Device).



where the query string matches value

Compares the query string with the defined value.

where the user agent compares to value

Compares the user agent string with the defined value.

where the device browser compares to specific value

Matches the device browser model with the specified value, for example: Chrome42

where browser supports HTML 5 audio

True when the visitor's browser supports HTML 5 audio playback.

where browser supports HTML 5 video

True when the visitor's browser supports HTML 5 video playback.

where browser supports JavaScript

True when the visitor's browser supports JavaScript.

where the device hardware model compares to specific value

Compares the device model with the defined value, for example: SamsungS4.

where the device property compares to specific value

Compares any device property in the database with the defined value.

where the device operating system compares to specific value

Compares the operating system (OS) name and version of the device with the defined value, for example: Android4.2.1.

where the device operating system vendor compares to specific value

Compares the device OS vendor with the specified value, for example Microsoft.

where the device supports touch screen

True when the visitor's device is enabled with touchscreen.

where device type is value

Compares the device type to the specified value, such as Smartphone or Tablet.

where the device vendor compares to specific value

Compares the company who made the device with the specified value, for example Apple Inc.

where the hardware screen height compares to number

Compares the display height of the device in pixels with the specified value.

where the hardware screen width compares to number

Compares device the display width of the device in pixels with the specified value.

There are also more than 600 Sitecore Device Detection parameters in the device database. You can use them to further customize your Sitecore sites and adapt the presentation of them on different devices using the Rule Set Editor.