Legacy xDB facet


Guide to how interaction IDs are mapped from Sitecore 8.x to 9 in xDB Data Migration Tool.

In Sitecore 8.x, each interaction has a unique identifier. This identifier is the document id, which is stored in a property named _id.

The following is an example of an interaction with the _id property:

"_id" : NUUID("ac95ec0b-fba0-466b-8b51-a2f3e887e1d2"),

When an interaction from Sitecore 8.x is migrated to Sitecore 9, xConnect generates a new id for the interaction. The interaction id from Sitecore 8.x is associated with the interaction through an interaction facet:

Facet Name


Facet Type


Mapping definition

MongoDB to xConnect Interaction Mappings > MongoDB Interaction to xConnect Interaction Legacy xDB Facet

Value to write to target object

Property on target object

_id from source object
