Map data from MongoDB to contact identifier


How to map MongoDB data to an xConnect contact identifier in xDB Data Migration Tool.

Since xDB Migration Tool is pre-configured to create contact identifiers, components needed to read the Identifier and Identifier type values already exist in the tenant. You only need to create the component needed to read the Source value.

  1. In Content Editor, select your tenant.

  2. Navigate to Data Access / Value Readers / Providers / xConnect

    The <tenant> / Data Access / Value Readers / Providers / xConnect node in the Content tree.
  3. Add the following item:


    Constant Value Reader

    Item name

    Constant Value - Contact Identifier Source for Loyalty Program

  4. Select the new item.

  5. Set the following field values:





    Value Type


  6. Save the item.

  7. Select your tenant.

  8. Navigate to Data Access / Value Accessors / Providers / xConnect

    The <tenant> / Data Access / Value Accessors / Providers / xConnect node in the Content tree.
  9. Add the following item:


    Value Accessor

    Item name

    Source for Contact Identifier for Loyalty Program

  10. Select the new item.

  11. Set the following field values:



    Value Reader

    Value Readers > Providers > xConnect > Constant Value - Contact Identifier Source for Loyalty Program

  12. Save the item.

xConnect Contact Identifiers are instantiated using a constructor that requires three parameters. You must map values to the constructor parameters in order to create a new contact identifier.

  1. In Content Editor, select your tenant.

  2. Navigate to Value Mapping Sets / MongoDB to xConnect Contact Mappings

  3. Add the following item:


    Value Mapping Set

    Item name

    MongoDB Loyalty Program to xConnect Contact Identifier Constructor

  4. Select the item MongoDB Loyalty Program to xConnect Contact Identifier Constructor.

  5. Add the following item:


    Value Mapping

    Item name


  6. Select the new item.

  7. Set the following field values:



    Source Accessor

    Data Access > Value Accessors > Providers > xConnect > Source for Contact Identifier for Loyalty Program

    Target Accessor

    Data Access > Value Accessor Sets > Providers > xConnect > xConnect Contact Identifier > Source on xConnect Contact Identifier Constructor

  8. Save the item.

  9. Select the item MongoDB Loyalty Program to xConnect Contact Identifier Constructor.

  10. Add the following item:


    Value Mapping

    Item name


  11. Select the new item.

  12. Set the following field values:



    Source Accessor

    Data Access > Value Accessor Sets > Providers > MongoDB > MongoDB Contact Loyalty Program > Membership Id on MongoDB Contact Loyalty Program

    Target Accessor

    Data Access > Value Accessor Sets > Providers > xConnect > xConnect Contact Identifier > Identifier on xConnect Contact Identifier Constructor

  13. Save the item.

  14. Select the item MongoDB Loyalty Program to xConnect Contact Identifier Constructor.

  15. Add the following item:


    Value Mapping

    Item name

    Identifier Level

  16. Select the new item.

  17. Set the following field values:



    Source Accessor

    Data Access > Value Accessors > Providers > xConnect > Known Contact Identification Level for xConnect Accessor

    Target Accessor

    Data Access > Value Accessor Sets > Providers > xConnect > xConnect Contact Identifier > Identifier Type on xConnect Identifier Constructor

  18. Save the item.

  1. In Content Editor, select your tenant.

  2. Navigate to Data Access / Value Accessor Sets / Providers / xConnect / xConnect Contact

  3. Add the following item:


    xConnect Contact Identifier Value Accessor

    Item name

    Loyalty Program Identifier on xConnect Contact

  4. Set the following field values:



    Constructor Mapping Set

    Value Mapping Sets > MongoDB to xConnect Contact Mappings > MongoDB Loyalty Program to xConnect Contact Identifier Constructor

  5. Save the item.

  1. In Content Editor, select your tenant.

  2. Navigate to Value Mapping Sets / MongoDB to xConnect Contact Mappings / MongoDB Contact to Contact Model

    The Value Mapping Sets / MongoDB to xConnect Contact Mappings / MongoDB Contact to Contact Model node in the Content Tree.
  3. Add the following item:


    Value Mapping

    Item name

    Loyalty Program Identifier

  4. Select the new item.

  5. Set the following field values:



    Source Accessor

    Data Access > Value Accessor Sets > Providers > MongoDB > MongoDB Contact > Loyalty Program on MongoDB Contact

    Target Accessor

    Data Access > Value Accessor Sets > Providers > xConnect > xConnect Contact > Loyalty Program Identifier on xConnect Contact

  6. Save the item.