Page Events - content testing


Guide to how events from MV tests are mapped from Sitecore 8.x to Sitecore 9 by xDB Migration Tool.

This section describes how events triggered by MV tests are mapped from Sitecore 8.x to 9.


For background information on page events, see the Page events page.

In Sitecore 8.x, the information about the MV tests that were run for a specific page view is represented on the page.

The following is an example of a page view with MV test information from an interaction:

    "DateTime" : ISODate("2018-01-01T09:00:00.000Z"),
    "Duration" : 0,
    "Item" : {
        "_id" : NUUID("d8983ebf-6557-4af1-ace3-38e04a746bfa"),
        "Language" : "en",
        "Version" : 3
    "SitecoreDevice" : {
        "_id" : NUUID("3d18c8d7-e96e-4e7f-bf28-edbd39428568"),
        "Name" : "Default"
    "MvTest" : {
        "_id" : NUUID("5320398c-a0e3-419b-81cf-40c79939f691"),
        "Combination" : { "$binary" : "AA==", "$type" : "00" },
        "ValueAtExposure" : 0,
        "ExposureTime" : ISODate("2018-01-01T09:00:00.000Z"),
        "FirstExposure" : true
    "Url" : {
        "Path" : "/Home/Locations"
    "VisitPageIndex" : 1

In Sitecore 9, MV test information is associated with a page view event through an event:

Source object

Member of the array located at Pages on the interaction document

Event mapping definition

MV Test Event Mappings for MongoDB Page Events > MV Test Event

Event object type



The event matching process does not apply to this event because the event data is not included in the PageEvents array on the page

Field mapping definition

MongoDB to xConnect Event Mappings > MongoDB Page MV Test to xConnect MV Test Event

Value to write to event object

Property on event object

MvTest.ExposureTime from source object


MvTest.FirstExposure from source object


Constant value false


MvTest.ValueAtExposure from source object


MvTest.EligibleRules from source object


MvTest.Combination from source object
