Page view events


Guide to how page view events are mapped from Sitecore 8.x to 9 in xDB Migration Tool.

In Sitecore 8.x, each time a page is viewed, an event is triggered. These events are captured in the interaction in the property Pages. This property is an array.

In addition, a page can trigger its own events. These events are captured under the corresponding member of the Pages array.

The following is an example of an interaction with the Pages property, with the page having its own events:

"Pages" : [
        "DateTime" : ISODate("2018-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"),
        "Duration" : 60,
        "Item" : {
            "_id" : NUUID("506dd1a2-2150-4062-abb8-e029d28af870"),
            "Language" : "en",
            "Version" : 1
        "PageEvents" : [
                "Name" : "Error",
                "ItemId" : NUUID("506dd1a2-2150-4062-abb8-e029d28af870"),
                "Timestamp" : 0,
                "DataKey" : "Presentation error: Data source isn't set or have wrong template...",
                "Text" : "Presentation error: Data source isn't set or have wrong template...",
                "PageEventDefinitionId" : NUUID("c8bf254a-9ccc-4e16-9009-82b7cd33e4be"),
                "DateTime" : ISODate("2018-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"),
                "Value" : 0
        "PersonalizationData" : {
            "ExposedRules" : []
        "SitecoreDevice" : {
            "_id" : NUUID("fe5d7fdf-89c0-4d99-9aa3-b5fbd009c9f3"),
            "Name" : "Default"
        "MvTest" : {
            "ValueAtExposure" : 0
        "Url" : {
            "Path" : "/about-us"
        "VisitPageIndex" : 5

In Sitecore 9, all events associated with an interaction are stored directly on the interaction. The events are stored in a property named Events.

For each page that is included in the interaction, a page view event is created.

Source object

Member of the array located at Pages on the interaction document

Target object


Mapping definition

MongoDB to xConnect Event Mappings > MongoDB Page to xConnect Page View Event

Value to write to target object

Property on target object

Duration from source object


Item._id from source object


Item.Language from source object


Item.Version from source object


DateTime from source object


Url.Path from source object


A page event is an event that is triggered by a page. For each page that is included in the interaction, there may be page events to map. 

For example, if there is a search box on a page and the visitor uses the search box, a search event may be captured. Since this search event happened while on a specific page, the search event is considered to be a page event, and it is associated with the page with the search box.

Sitecore comes with a variety of page event types. In addition, you can also add custom page event types. Use Content Editor to find the page event types available on your Sitecore server by looking in the following section: Settings > Analytics > Page Events.

Each page event type stores its own data. For example, a page event that represents a search will include the search term. A page event that represents an error will include a description of the error.

The way you determine the page event type for a specific page event is to look at its page event definition id. The xDB Data Migration Tool uses this value to determine how to map the data for a page event.