Phone numbers facet


Guide to the phone numbers facet and its properties in Sitecore Data Exchange Framework.

Format in Sitecore 8.x

In Sitecore 8.x, phone numbers are associated with a contact through a property on the contact. The name of the property is PhoneNumbers.

The following is an example the PhoneNumbers property on the contact:

"Phone Numbers" : {
    "Preferred" : "work",
    "Entries" : {
        "work" : {
            "CountryCode" : "+44",
            "Extension" : "123",
            "Number" : "0121 496 0208"
        "home" : {
            "CountryCode" : "+44",
            "Extension" : "987",
            "Number" : "0121 496 0208"

The Entries property is a dictionary. Each member of the dictionary has a key and a value. The key describes the phone number. The value is an object that contains the details of the phone number.

In addition to the Entries property, the PhoneNumbers object has another property named Preferred. The value is the key for one of the phone numbers.

In Sitecore 9, phone numbers are associated with a contact through a contact facet:

Facet Name


Facet Type


Unlike in Sitecore 8.x where all phone numbers are stored in a single dictionary, in Sitecore 9, the preferred phone number is stored separate from the other phone numbers.

Facet Property



Object that represents the preferred phone number


Key for the preferred phone number


Dictionary that contains all other phone numbers associated with the contact

Source object

Member of the dictionary located at PhoneNumbers.Entries on the contact document

Target object


Mapping definition

MongoDB to xConnect Contact Mappings > MongoDB Phone Number to xConnect Contact Phone Number

Value to write to target object

Property on target object

CountryCode from source object


Extension from source object


Number from source object
