Upgrading the tenant


How to upgrade commerce data tenants when you have upgraded the Data Exchange Framework SDK.

The Data Exchange Framework SDK can be used to apply a set of changes to an existing tenant. This is how the mappings for commerce data are applied to the tenant.

When the tenant is upgraded, the existing pipeline batches are updated to include commerce data.

  1. In Sitecore, open the Content Editor.

  2. Navigate to sitecore\System\Data Exchange.

  3. Select your tenant.

  4. In the ribbon, if Data Exchange SDK does not appear, right-click on the ribbon and select Data Exchange SDK.

    Menu ribbon right-click menu with Data Exchange SDK highlighted in red.
  5. On the Data Exchange SDK tab, click Upgrade Tenant.

    Upgrade tenant button on the Data Exchange SDK tab in the menu ribbon.
  6. From the dropdown, select xDB Data Migration Tool 2.0.1 Upgrade for Commerce.

    Upgrade Tenant dialog with the Instruction set field set to xDB Data Migration Tool 2.0.1 Upgrade for Commerce.
  7. Click Next.

  8. Read the information and then click Start upgrade.

    Upgrade Tenant dialog explaining what happens when you upgrade the tenant.
  9. While the upgrade process runs, a status dialog is displayed.

    Upgrading Tenant progress bar dialog.
  10. When the upgrade process is finished, a status summary is displayed.

    Upgrade tenant status summary after the upgrade process has finished.


    This is the only time this status summary is accessible. It is recommended that you copy the text and save it for future reference.

  11. Click Close.


If any errors were reported during the tenant upgrade, it is possible to undo the upgrade. Before the tenant upgrade process starts, the tenant is serialized.

To undo all changes made during the tenant upgrade process, revert the tenant tree using Sitecore’s item serialization features.

  1. Review the tenant configuration to make sure the mappings are properly set.

  2. Select the tenant.

  3. Set the following field values:





  4. Save the item.