Web visit facet
Guide to how information about web visits are mapped from Sitecore 8.x to 9 in xDB Migration Tool.
In Sitecore 8.x, information about the web visit represented by the interaction is stored in a variety of places on the interaction.
The following is an example of an interaction with the web visit data:
"Browser" : { "BrowserVersion" : "51.0", "BrowserMajorName" : "Chrome", "BrowserMinorName" : "51.0" }, "OperatingSystem" : { "_id" : "WinNT", "MajorVersion" : 6, "MinorVersion" : 1 }, "Screen" : { "ScreenHeight" : 480, "ScreenWidth" : 640 }, "Language" : "en", "Referrer" : "https://www.sitecore.com/", "SiteName" : "www",
In Sitecore 9, web visit information is associated with an interaction through an interaction facet:
Facet Name |
Facet Type |
Mapping definition | MongoDB to xConnect Interaction Mappings > MongoDB Interaction to xConnect Interaction WebVisit Facet |
Value to write to target object | Property on target object |
The following facet properties are objects that require their own mappings:
Facet Property | Description |
| see Mapping Browser Data Properties |
| see Mapping Operating System Data Properties |
| see Mapping Screen Data Properties |
Source object | The field located at |
Target object |
Mapping definition | MongoDB to xConnect Interaction Mappings > MongoDB Interaction to xConnect Browser Data |
Value to write to target object | Property on target object |
Source object | The field located at |
Target object |
Mapping definition | MongoDB to xConnect Interaction Mappings > MongoDB Interaction to xConnect Operating System Data |
Value to write to target object | Property on target object |
Source object | The field located at |
Target object |
Mapping definition | MongoDB to xConnect Interaction Mappings > MongoDB Interaction to xConnect Screen Data |
Value to write to target object | Property on target object |