18. Add Pipelines to Handle CRM Accounts

For each CRM account you must read the CRM contacts who are associated with the CRM account. A pipeline is used to define the logic that reads the CRM contacts that are associated with the CRM account and iterates those CRM contacts.


You have not yet configured the pipeline that will read the entities from CRM. The pipeline that handles each entity is used in the pipeline that reads the entities, so the pipeline that handles each entity is configured first.

  1. Navigate to your tenant.
  2. Navigate to Pipelines > CRM Account Pipelines.
  3. Add the following item:
Template Pipeline
Name Read Members from Single CRM Account Pipeline
  1. Navigate to Read Members from Single CRM Account Pipeline.
  2. Add the following item:
Template Read CRM Account Membership Pipeline Step
Name Read Members from Single CRM Account
  1. Set the following field value:
Field Endpoint From
Value Dynamics CRM > Dynamics CRM Entity Endpoint
  1. Set the following field value:
Field Entity Name
Value accountmembership
  1. Set the following field value:
Field Attributes to Read
Value Common CRM Entity Attributes, CRM Contact Attributes Minimal
  1. Save the item.
  2. Navigate to Read Members from Single CRM Account Pipeline.
  3. Add the following item:
Template Iterate Data and Run Pipelines Pipeline Step
Name Iterate CRM Members and Run Pipelines
  1. Set the following field value:
Field Pipelines
Value CRM Account Membership to xDB Contact Sync Pipeline
  1. Save the item.
  2. Navigate to Read Members from Single CRM Account Pipeline.
  3. Change the order of the child items to the following:
  • Read Members from Single CRM Account
  • Iterate CRM Members and Run Pipelines