14. Add Value Accessor Set for CRM Account

In order to be able to read attributes from a CRM accountmembership entity, a value accessor set is needed. This item identifies the attributes from the CRM accountmembership that are available to Dynamics CRM Connect.

  1. Navigate to your tenant.
  2. Navigate to Data Access > Value Accessor Sets > Providers > Dynamics CRM.
  3. Add the following item:
Template Entity Value Accessor Set
Name CRM Account Membership Attributes
  1. Navigate to CRM Account Membership Attributes.
  2. Add the following item:
Template Entity Attribute Value Accessor
Name Account Id
  1. Set the following field value:
Field Use value property
Value ticked
  1. Set the following field value:
Field Attribute Name
Value account.accountid
  1. Save the item.
  2. Navigate to CRM Account Membership Attributes.
  3. Add the following item:
Template Entity Attribute Value Accessor
Name Account Name
  1. Set the following field value:
Field Use Value Property
Value ticked
  1. Set the following field value:
Field Attribute Name
Value account.accountname
  1. Save the item.