Create an outcome group and an outcome


Organize your contacts with custom outcome groups and outcomes.

Outcomes describe a visitor's journey from the initial contact to becoming a customer. Through a contact's path to becoming a customer, you can track the events they have triggered and the goals that they have converted on their journey. This provides you with an insight into how contacts interact with your website. You can also assign financial value to outcomes, which allows you to quantify the financial value of a contact for your organization.

This topic describes how to:

Once you have created an outcome definition, an administrator needs to register the outcome using the API.

To create a new outcome:

  1. In the Marketing Control Panel, in the content tree, under Taxonomies, click Outcome group.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Insert group, click Outcome Group.

  3. Enter the name of the new outcome group in the dialog box and click OK.

  4. On the Taxonomy tab, click Save, then Deploy. On the Publish tab, in the Publish group, click Publish to perform a site publish.

To create a new outcome:

  1. In the Marketing Control Panel, in the content tree, click Outcomes.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Insert group, click Outcome Definition.

  3. Enter the name of the new outcome and click OK.

  4. On the Home tab, in the Write group, click Save. On the Publish tab, in the Publish group, click Publish to perform a site publish.


    To assign financial value to an outcome, on the outcome item, on the Content tab, in the Data section, select Monetary Value Applicable.