Experience Profile dashboard
A summary of key information in the xFile related to the contact.
The Experience Profile consists of a timeline and multiple tabs that display a summary of key experience analytics data for individual contacts. You can view one contact at a time.
An information area to the right continually displays a summary of the latest visit information and metrics associated with the contact.
The Latest Visit panel contains a link to the Visit Detail report, which displays detailed information about the contact’s latest visit.
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Across the top of the Experience Profile, a timeline displays the Experience Marketing events and activities that a contact has had with an organization. A series of icons highlight important events on the timeline. Click an icon to see details of the event displayed below the timeline. For example, which channel brought the contact to the website.
Icon | Description | |
| New contact – shows the date and time of the first interaction, even if the contact was anonymous at this stage. | |
| Channel – indicates from which channel a contact originated. This icon is used by default if an icon has not been assigned to the channel. | |
| Goal conversions – this icon is displayed when a goal is triggered. | |
| Duration of visit – date, time, and length of the contact session. | |
| Value – engagement value points accumulated by the contact at this point in the timeline. | |
| Campaign – this icon is displayed when a campaign event is triggered. | |
| * Open – this icon is displayed when the contact opens an email message. | |
| * Click – this icon is displayed when the contact clicks a link in an email message. | |
| * Bounce – this icon is displayed if an email message has bounced. | |
| * Spam – this icon is displayed if the contact has marked an email message as spam. |
* Applies from Sitecore XP 8.1 Update 3 or later.
To drill down into the timeline, click on any of the activities displayed. For example, if you click the clock icon you can see more information about the channel that the contact used to make the interaction.
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The following table contains an overview of the information contained on each tab and subtab in the Experience Profile:
Tab/Subtab/Group | Description |
Overview/Latest events | Displays the latest contact visit and up to 9 other latest events. For example, goals converted, downloads, or external/paid searches. Events are grouped by type and if an event was triggered more than once, it appears only once in Latest events tab. You preconfigure the events that appear in the Latest events group in the Content Editor. |
Overview /Best pattern matches | Displays the top 3 best pattern matches for a contact based on how closely a pattern matches the visitor’s profile. |
Overview/Recent campaigns | The 3 most recently triggered campaigns. |
Activity/Visits/Visits | Displays a list of all the visits sorted by recency. Click a visit to open the Visit Detail Report. The Visit Detail Report contains more detailed information about the visit, such as the pages visited, the goals converted, and the internal search terms used. Events, goals and outcomes from Sitecore Commerce are shown when you have installed Sitecore Commerce. The Visit Detail Report does not include information about what products were added to carts, and so forth. |
Activity/Visits/Events | Displays a list of the latest events that the contact has triggered. The events are sorted by recency. Events that appear in the Events group are preconfigured in the Content Editor. |
Activity/Outcomes | Lists all the outcomes the contact has achieved. Shows the stage in the default Lead Management Funnel that the contact has achieved including the date and time that different outcomes were achieved. |
Activity/Campaigns | Lists all the campaigns that the contact has participated in. |
Activity/Channels/Distribution | Displays a graphical representation of the activities that the contact has engaged in and their distribution across the different channels. The channels are:
Activity/Channels/Summary | A list of the activities by channel. |
Activity/Goals | Lists all the goals that the contact has triggered. |
Activity/Automations/Engagement plans | Lists the engagement plans that the contact has triggered and the current state the contact occupies in each plan. |
Activity/Keywords/External keywords | A list of the distinct keywords that the contact used in search engines, such as Google or Bing. For selected keywords, you can see more detailed information, such as a list of the search engines, visit duration, and value. |
Activity/Keywords/Internal keywords | Lists the keywords used in searches on the website. |
Activity/Keywords/Paid keywords | Lists the distinct paid keywords used, for example, from Google AdWords. For selected keywords, you can see more detailed information, such as a list of sources, visit duration, and value. |
Profiling | Displays the best pattern card matches for each profile based on visits made by this contact. This tab displays the best pattern card matches for each profile based on the visits this contact has made to the website. For example, you could have the following set of profiles:
For each profile, a radar chart and profile key scores are displayed. Profiles and profile keys are preconfigured in the Sitecore Marketing Control Panel. |
Details/Contact details | Contains all the contact information for the contact. Contacts enter all the email addresses and phone numbers themselves. |
Social/Facebook | If you have configured a connection to Facebook, this subsection displays a summary of the contact's Facebook information. |
Social/Twitter | If you have configured a connection to Twitter, this subsection displays a summary of the contact's Twitter information. |
Social/G+ | If you have configured a connection to G+, this subsection displays a summary of the contact's G+ information. |
Social/LinkedIn | If you have configured a connection to LinkedIn, this subsection displays a summary of the contact's LinkedIn information. |
The Visit Detail Report displays more details about the contact's website visit or session. For example, a list of pages viewed during visits with URLs, external keywords used, and details such as engagement value accumulated.
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