

Track and measure how visitors engage with your website and campaigns.

Goals are activities that visitors can perform on your website. You create goals to track and measure how visitors engage with the website and campaigns – both online and offline.

Some examples of goals:

  • Download a brochure

  • Register for an email newsletter

  • Visit a particular page

  • Sign up for an online demo

Once you have created some goals, you can measure the conversion rate for each goal – the percentage of visitors that achieve a particular goal. You can find charts and dashboards that show goals and conversion rates in Experience Analytics.


You can use goals and conversion rates to measure visitor engagement. For example, you could create an engagement plan that uses goals to evaluate which actions should be taken at different stages of the engagement plan.

You can also use goals to create personalization rules that are based on the goals that a visitor achieves during a visit. If a visitor has signed up for a newsletter, for example, you could create a personalization rule which then shows this visitor content instead of the newsletter sign-up item.

In the Marketing Control Panel, under marketing taxonomies, you can use goal facets to describe different aspects of a goal that you might want to track. These could be categories for your goals or descriptions that you can apply to multiple goals in order to better organize them.

You can use goal facets to create and implement personalization rules that show content to your contacts based on the type of goal that they have triggered. You can also create custom reports that track the goal facets, providing you with deeper insights into how contacts use and interact with your websites.