Request a Managed Cloud Standard environment
Request an environment and get started with the Managed Cloud Standard service.
To request an environment with Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard, register a support ticket through the Sitecore Support portal.
If you do not have authorization to log in to the Sitecore Support portal, you must contact your Sitecore Implementation Partner to register the ticket for you. If this is not possible, register a Sitecore user account, then contact your Sitecore representative for access to the Sitecore Support portal.
You must specify the following information in your support request:
Your Sitecore Managed Cloud contract identifier. This is the 32-character code (GUID) in your contract activation email message, for example: 12c8c7ef-58e3-47ea-9b1b-acf37eadda21.
The specific release you want to provision.
The type of environment that you want to connect to the deployment (for example, production or non-production).
The specific location of the deployment (for example, the Microsoft Azure center or region).
The specific location of your Microsoft Application Insights® resources.
Which search provider you want to use.
Your Sitecore configuration, for example, XM1.
Whether it is a premium or standard tier.
The live IDs of the technical contacts who you want to have access to the Sitecore environment in Microsoft Azure.
file to use in the environment (if empty - Sitecore will provision you with a temporary license).Stipulate whether Sitecore needs to install any additional modules.
For a list of supported locations and Sitecore configurations in Sitecore Managed Cloud, consult the Sitecore Managed Cloud compatibility tables.
After you have completed your request, you can log in to the Microsoft Azure Portal® and see your Sitecore environment. Sitecore generates passwords for your SQL Azure® logical server and a Sitecore Admin password for a secure initial deployment.
Sitecore provisions you with a temporary license file that is valid for one month. When the temporary license expires, Sitecore stops working, therefore it is important that you upload a valid permanent license.xml
file as soon as possible.
Always change the default Sitecore Admin password to a new, secure password when you first log in to the system. Keeping the default Sitecore Admin password can compromise the security of your Sitecore environment.
You can reset the administration password for your SQL Azure logical server by selecting the server from the list of resources in Resource Group and clicking Reset Password.