Walkthrough: Migrating a custom facet with complex types


Example of how to migrate complex data types into xConnect facets.

This walkthrough uses the xDB Data Migration tool but is applicable to any tool that migrates complex data types into xConnect facets.


To migrate complex and custom types, you must register a custom migration model. For an example of how to do this, see Implement components to store migrated data.

This walkthrough covers how to:

For the purpose of this walkthrough, it is assumed that you have a custom facet in a previous version of Sitecore that you implemented using, for example, code like this:

public AvailablePublishersFacet : IFacet
        IElementCollection<IAvailablePublishersElement> AvailablePublishers { get; }
        DateTime Updated { get; set; }

public AvailablePublishersElement : IElement, IValidatable
        string PublisherID { get; set; }
        int PublishStatus { get; set; }

The contact, for example, uses the following code:

  "_id": { "$binary": "Jj8PNya4NEy988az+LwtNA==", "$type": "3" },
  "AvailablePublishers": {
    "AvailablePublishers": {
      "0": { "PublisherID": "publisher1", "PublishStatus": 1 },
      "1": { "PublisherID": "ps2",
             "PublishStatus": 1 },
      "2": { "PublisherID": "ps3",
             "PublishStatus": 1 }
    "LastUpdated": { "$date": "2020-02-23T06:41:00.572Z" }
  "Lease": null,
  "System": { "VisitCount": 2 }

To create a model in xConnect:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sitecore.DataExchange.Tools.XdbDataMigration.Models;
using Sitecore.XConnect;
using Sitecore.XConnect.Schema;

    public class CollectionModel
        public static XdbModel Model { get; } = CollectionModel.BuildModel();

        private static XdbModel BuildModel()
var modelVersion = new XdbModelVersion(1, 0);
var builder = new XdbModelBuilder("Documentation.Model.CollectionModel", modelVersion);
builder.DefineFacet<Contact, AvailablePublishersFacet>(AvailablePublishersFacet.DefaultFacetKey);
return builder.BuildModel();

    public class AvailablePublishersFacet : Facet
        public DateTime LastUpdated { get; set; }
        public const string DefaultFacetKey = "AvailablePublishers";
        public AvailablePublishersFacet()

        public Dictionary<string, AvailablePublisher> AvailablePublishers { get; set; } = 
           new Dictionary<string, AvailablePublisher>();

    public class AvailablePublisher
        public AvailablePublisher(int publisherstatus, string publisherid)
            this.PublisherID = publisherid;
            this.PublishStatus = publisherstatus;
        public string PublisherID { get; set; }
        public int PublishStatus { get; set; }

You can configure custom facets in Data Exchange Framework for different data providers. The following example shows you how to configure a custom facet for a MongoDB provider.

To configure a custom facet:

  1. Compile the model into a DLL using Visual Studio, add it to the bin directory of the website, and restart Sitecore.

  2. In the Content Editor, go to /sitecore/System/Settings/Data Exchange/Providers/xConnect/Collection Models, and create a new model. You can also update an existing one with the model you just created and deployed.

    Collection Model Type field for the collection model.
  3. On the ribbon menu, on the Data Exchange tab, click Convert Model to JSON to generate a JSON implementation. Deploy the new model to xConnect and the Indexing Service.

  4. Create simple value accessor sets for the mongodb and xConnect AvailablePublisher Entry models using the MongoDB Document Field Value Accessor and xConnect XObject Property Value Accessor.

    MongoDB Document Field Value Accessor
    xConnect XObject Property Value Accessor

    These value accessor sets are used for one-to-one mapping of each AvailablePublisher entity.

  5. In the content tree, go to /sitecore/System/Data Exchange/<tenant>/Value Mapping Sets/MongoDB. Use the value accessors you created to create a one-to-one mapping for the MongoDB collection entry to the xConnect Facet Dictionary entry.

    Target Accessor for the PublisherID
  6. Add the AvailablePublishers value accessor for a source contact.

    AvailablePublishers Field section

You can now configure the mappings for the custom facet:

  1. Go to /sitecore/System/Data Exchange/<tenant>/Data Access/Value Readers/Providers/MongoDB and create Dictionary Entries from the document value reader for AvailablePublishers.

    Dictionary Field Name for AvailablePublishers
  2. Go to /Data Access/Value Accessor Sets/Providers/MongoDB/Create a Value Accessor Set, select the general Value Accessor and assign the value reader you created to this accessor.

    Value Reader field for the Value Accessor
  3. On the xConnect Provider, use the xConnect Entity Facet Value Accessor and xConnect Entity Facet Dictionary Property Value Accessor templates to create an accessor for the AvailablePublishers facet and an accessor for the AvailablePublishers Dictionary facet property.

    One-to-one mapping


    Use the one-to-one mapping set created in Step 5 as Dictionary Property Value Accessor.

  4. Create a mapping set between the value accessor you created in Step 1 and the Facet AvailablePublishers Dictionary property value accessor created in Step 2.

  5. Assign the mapping set you just created to the accessor for the AvailablePublishers facet.

    Target Accessor field for the Publishers
  6. Add a mapping between MongoDB AvailablePublishers created in Step 6 and the xConnect AvailablePublishers created in Step 3.

    Mapping between the MongoDB Available Publishers and the xConnect AvailablePublishers.


For information on how to map contact data in MongoDB to an xConnect contact facet in the XDB Data Migration tool, see Map data from MongoDB to contact facet.