The Behavior tab reports


The Behavior tab helps you analyze the behavior of your website visitors.

In Experience Analytics, the Behavior tab contains reports that help you analyze the behavior of your contacts.

The Behavior tab consists of five subtabs:


The tabs can contain duplicate reports showing the same data presented in a different way. For example, in a graph and in a pie chart. This topic does not describe each duplicate report.

You can find detailed technical information for every report, including duplicate reports and drill-down information, in the Sitecore Experience Analytics Standard Reports document.

The Experience Analytics glossary of terms can also help you to understand the reports.




Shows an overview of the key analytics reports on the Behavior tab.


Top downloaded assets

The assets that your contacts have downloaded the most.

Top internal keywords

The internal keywords used on the internal search on your website.

Top entry pages

The entry pages that a contact used to visit your website.

Top outcomes by visits

The outcomes that have resulted from your contacts visiting your websites.


Describes your marketing assets or content used to attract contacts to your website and increase their engagement with your organization.

You can track media items if you classify them as digital assets.


Top asset groups by downloads

The most downloaded assets within a specific asset group.

Top asset groups by value per visit

The asset groups that have provided the highest engagement value generated per visit.


Lists all the asset groups on your website, and includes detailed metrics.


Describes your specific assets, their download activity, and their value.


Top downloads

The assets that your contacts have downloaded the most from your website.

Top assets by value per visit

The specific assets that have provided the highest engagement value generated per visit.


Lists the specific assets that your contacts have downloaded from your website, and includes detailed metrics.

Internal search

Describes how your contacts use the internal or local search on your website.


Top internal keywords

The internal keywords used on the internal search on your website.

Top internal keywords by value per visit

The internal keywords used on the internal search on your website that have provided the highest engagement value generated per visit.


Lists the keywords used on the internal search on your website, and includes detailed metrics.


Describes the entry and exit pages, as well as page views on your website.


Online interactions by page views and page view per visits

The number of page views for a given page, and the average number of website pages a visitor views per visit.

Top entry pages by visits

The entry pages used by your contacts with the highest number of visits.

Top exit pages by visits

The exit pages used by your contacts with the highest number of visits.


Lists all entry and exit pages used to enter or leave your website and includes detailed metrics.

Entry pages

Describes which pages your contacts open as their first page when visiting your website.


Online interactions by bounce rate

The percentage of contacts who only view one page and then leave your website.

Top entry pages by visits

The entry pages used by your contacts with the highest number of visits.

Top entry pages by value per visit

The entry pages used by your contacts that have provided the highest average engagement value generated per visit.

Top entry pages by bounce rate sorted by visits

The entry pages used by your contacts with the highest number of visits and the associated bounce rates.

Top entry pages by bounce rate

The entry pages used by your contacts who only view one page and then leave your website.


Lists all the entry pages used to enter your website and includes detailed metrics.

Exit pages

Describes which pages your contacts visit when they leave your website.


Top exit pages by visits

The exit pages used by your contacts, with the highest number of visits.

Top exit pages by value per visit

The exit pages used by your contacts that have provided the highest average engagement value generated per visit.

Top exit pages by conversions

The exit pages used by your contacts that have generated the most efficient high value visits on your website.


Lists all the exit pages used to enter your website and includes detailed metrics.

Page URLs

Describes the entry and exit page URLs.


Online interactions by page views and page views per visits

The number of page views for a given URL and the average number of URLs a visitor views per visit.

Top entry page URLs by visits

The entry page URLs used by your contacts with the highest number of visits to your website.

Top exit page URLs by visits

The exit page URLs used by your contacts with the highest number of visits to your website.


Lists all the entry and exit page URLs used by your contacts and includes detailed metrics.

Entry page URLs

Describes the entry page URLs, or the URLs of the first page of an interaction with your contact.


Online interactions by bounce rate

The percentage of website visitors who only view one page and then leave your website.

Top entry page URLs by visits

The entry page URLs with the highest number of visits to your website.

Top entry page URLs by bounce rate

The entry page URLs with the highest number of bounces.

Top entry page URLs by value per visit

The entry page URLs used by your contacts to enter your website that have provided the highest average engagement value generated per visit.

Entry page URLs by visits

The entry page URLs with the highest number of visits to your website.


Lists all entry page URLs used to enter your website and includes detailed metrics.

Exit page URLs

Describes the exit page URLs, or the last accessed URL when contacts leave your website.


Top exit page URLs by visits

The exit page URLs with the highest number of visits to your website.

Top exit page URLs by value per visit

The exit page URLs used by your contacts when they leave your website that have provided the highest average engagement value generated per visit.

Top exit page URLs by conversions

The exit page URLs that have generated the most efficient high value visits on your website.

Exit page URLs by visits

The exit page URLs with the highest number of visits to your website.


Lists all exit page URLs that your contacts used to leave your website, and includes detailed metrics.